Thursday, October 12, 2017

Tmux capture the history message

To scroll back tmux history, run
Control + B, then PageUp or PageD 

Alternatively, we can also capture the history to a file by executing tmux capture-pane command in another pane:

tmux capture-pane -S -2000 -J -p -t %123 >tmux.log

Where %123 is the unique pane id. To find out the pane id, run the following command inside a target pane:

See man tmux for other parameters.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Running graphic programs on Windows 10 Subsystem on Linux

To run graphical programs on Windows 10 bash shell, an X server (eg, Xming, vcXsrv and Cygwin X) will need to be installed on the Windows 10 system and the DISPLAY variable will need to be set in Bash.

To set DISPLAY variable,
export DISPLAY=:0
Then try running a graphic program, such as,