Saturday, May 2, 2020

plotly event_register

* The `event` argument of the `event_data()` function now supports the following events: `plotly_selecting`, `plotly_brushed`, `plotly_brushing`, `plotly_restyle`, `plotly_legendclick`, `plotly_legenddoubleclick`, `plotly_clickannotation`, `plotly_afterplot`, `plotly_doubleclick`, `plotly_deselect`, `plotly_unhover`. For examples, see `plotly_example("shiny", "event_data")`, `plotly_example("shiny", "event_data_legends")`, and `plotly_example("shiny", "event_data_annotation")`,

* New `event_register()` and `event_unregister()` functions for declaring which events to transmit over the wire (i.e., from the browser to the shiny server). Events that are likely to have large overhead are not registered by default, so you'll need to register these: `plotly_selecting`, `plotly_unhover`, `plotly_restyle`, `plotly_legendclick`, and `plotly_legenddoubleclick`.